
472 lines
18 KiB

import csv
import os
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import List, Dict, Set
import requests
class JNClient:
"""Everything you need to talk to the JNC API"""
BASE_URL = 'https://api.j-novel.club/api'
LOGIN_URL = BASE_URL + '/users/login?include=user'
LOGOUT_URL = BASE_URL + '/users/logout'
SERIES_INFO_URL = BASE_URL + '/series/findOne'
API_USER_URL_PATTERN = BASE_URL + '/users/%s/' # %s is the user id
DOWNLOAD_BOOK_URL_PATTERN = BASE_URL + '/volumes/%s/getpremiumebook' # %s is the book id
ORDER_URL_PATTERN_NEW = 'https://labs.j-novel.club/app/v1/me/redeem/%s' # %s book id
BUY_CREDITS_URL_PATTERN = BASE_URL + '/users/%s/purchasecredit' # %s is user id
ACCOUNT_TYPE_PREMIUM = 'PremiumMembership'
def __init__(self, login_email, login_password) -> None:
login_response = self.__login(login_email, login_password)
if 'error' in login_response:
raise JNCApiError('Login failed!')
self.auth_token = login_response['id']
self.user_id = login_response['user']['id']
self.user_name = login_response['user']['username']
self.available_credits = login_response['user']['earnedCredits'] - login_response['user']['usedCredits']
subscription = login_response['user']['currentSubscription']
self.account_type = subscription['plan']['id'] if 'plan' in subscription else None
def get_owned_books(self) -> dict:
"""Requests the list of owned books from JNC.
:return dict with information on the owned books (ids, titles, etc.)"""
return requests.get(
self.API_USER_URL_PATTERN % self.user_id,
params={'filter': '{"include":[{"ownedBooks":"serie"}]}'},
headers={'Authorization': self.auth_token}
def order_book(self, book_id: str) -> None:
"""Order book on JNC side, i.e. redeem premium credit
Notable responses:
204: Success
401: Unauthorized
410: Session token expired
404: Volume not found
501: Can't buy manga at this time
402: No credits left to redeem
409: Already own this volume
500: Internal server error (reported to us)
Other: Unknown server error
if self.available_credits <= 0:
raise NoCreditsError('No credits available to order book!')
response = requests.post(
self.ORDER_URL_PATTERN_NEW % book_id,
headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.auth_token}'}
if response.status_code == 409:
raise JNCApiError('Book already ordered')
if not response.ok:
raise JNCApiError(f'Error when ordering book. Response was: {response.status_code}')
self.available_credits -= 1
def download_book(self, book_id: str) -> bytes:
"""Will attempt to download a book from JNC
JNC does not respond with a standard 404 error when a book cannot be found (despite being marked as published)
and instead will do a redirect to an error page, which itself reports a http 200
:param book_id the id of the book.
:return The response content
:raise JNCApiError when the book is not available for download yet."""
r = requests.get(
'userId': self.user_id,
'userName': self.user_name,
'access_token': self.auth_token
}, allow_redirects=False
if r.status_code != 200:
raise JNCApiError(str(r.status_code) + ': Book not available.')
return r.content
def get_series_info(self, series_title_slug: str) -> dict:
"""Fetch information about a series from JNC, including the volumes of the series"""
filter_string = '{"where":{"titleslug":"%s"},"include":["volumes"]}' % series_title_slug
return requests.get(
params={'filter': filter_string}
def buy_credits(self, amount: int) -> None:
"""Buy premium credits on JNC. Max. amount: 10. Price depends on membership status."""
if (type(amount) is not int) or (0 >= amount > 10):
raise ArgumentError('It is not possible to buy less than 1 or more than 10 credits.')
response = requests.post(
self.BUY_CREDITS_URL_PATTERN % self.user_id,
'Accept': 'application/json',
'content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': self.auth_token
json={'number': amount},
if not response.status_code < 300:
raise JNCApiError('Could not purchase credits!')
self.available_credits += amount
def get_premium_credit_price(self) -> int:
"""Determines the price of premium credits based on account status"""
if self.account_type is None:
return None
elif self.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PREMIUM in self.account_type:
return 6
return 7
def __login(self, login_email, password) -> dict:
"""Sends a login request to JNC. This method will not work if the user uses SSO (Google, Facebook)"""
return requests.post(
headers={'Accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json'},
json={'email': login_email, 'password': password}
def __logout(self) -> None:
"""Does a logout request to JNC to invalidate the access token. Intended to be called automatically when the
class instance is garbage collected."""
headers={'Authorization': self.auth_token}
print('Logged out')
def __del__(self):
if len(self.auth_token) > 0:
except AttributeError:
class JNCBook:
book_id: str
title: str
title_slug: str
volume_num: int
series_id: str
series_slug: str = None
release_date: datetime
def __init__(self, book_id: str, title: str, title_slug: str, volume_num: int, series_id: str,
date_string_iso: str, series_slug: str = None):
self.release_date = datetime.fromisoformat(date_string_iso.rstrip('Z')).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
self.series_id = series_id
self.volume_num = volume_num
self.title_slug = title_slug
self.title = title
self.book_id = book_id
self.series_slug = series_slug
class JNCSeries:
title_slug: str
followed: bool = None
is_detailed: bool = False
series_id: str = None
title: str = None
tags: str = None
volumes: Dict[str, JNCBook] = None
def __init__(self, title_slug: str, followed: bool = None, series_id: str = None, is_detailed: bool = False,
title: str = None, volumes: Dict[str, JNCBook] = None, tags: str = None):
self.tags = tags
self.volumes = volumes
self.title = title
self.is_detailed = is_detailed
self.series_id = series_id
self.followed = followed
self.title_slug = title_slug
class JNCDataHandler:
jnclient: JNClient
owned_books: Dict[str, JNCBook] = {}
owned_series: Dict[str, JNCSeries] = {}
owned_series_csv_path: str
owned_books_csv_path: str
download_dir: str
no_confirm_series: bool
no_confirm_credits: bool
no_confirm_order: bool
downloaded_book_ids: Set[str] = set()
new_downloaded_books: Dict[str, str] = {}
def __init__(self, jnclient: JNClient, owned_series_csv_path: str, owned_books_csv_path: str, download_dir: str,
no_confirm_series: bool = False, no_confirm_credits: bool = False, no_confirm_order: bool = False):
self.jnclient = jnclient
self.no_confirm_series = no_confirm_series
self.no_confirm_credits = no_confirm_credits
self.no_confirm_order = no_confirm_order
self.cur_time = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
self.download_target_dir = os.path.expanduser(download_dir)
self.downloaded_books_list_file = os.path.expanduser(owned_books_csv_path)
self.owned_series_file = os.path.expanduser(owned_series_csv_path)
def load_owned_books(self) -> None:
raw_owned_books = self.jnclient.get_owned_books()
for raw_book in raw_owned_books:
book = JNCUtils.build_jnc_book_from_api_response(raw_book)
self.owned_books[book.book_id] = book
self.owned_books = JNCUtils.sort_books(self.owned_books)
def load_owned_series(self) -> None:
for book in self.owned_books.values():
if book.series_slug is not None and book.series_id not in self.owned_series:
self.owned_series[book.series_id] = JNCSeries(book.series_slug, series_id=book.series_id)
def handle_new_series(self) -> None:
""""Ask the user if he wants to follow a new series he owns"""
for series in self.owned_series.values():
if series.followed is None:
series.followed = self.no_confirm_series or JNCUtils.user_confirm(
f'{series.title or series.title_slug} is a new series. Do you want to follow it?'
def read_owned_series_file(self) -> Dict[str, JNCSeries]:
"""Returns dictionary with series with the series title slug as key"""
series = {}
with open(self.owned_series_file, mode='r', newline='') as file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter='\t')
for series_row in csv_reader:
series[series_row[0]] = JNCSeries(series_row[0], True if series_row[1] == 'True' else False)
return series
def read_downloaded_books_file(self) -> None:
with open(self.downloaded_books_list_file, mode='r', newline='') as f:
self.downloaded_book_ids = set([row[0] for row in csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')])
def download_book(self, book: JNCBook) -> None:
book_content = self.jnclient.download_book(book.book_id)
book_file_name = book.title_slug + '.epub'
book_file_path = os.path.join(self.download_target_dir, book_file_name)
with open(book_file_path, mode='wb') as f:
self.new_downloaded_books[book.book_id] = book.title
except JNCApiError as err:
def load_followed_series_details(self) -> None:
known_series = self.read_owned_series_file()
for owned_series in self.owned_series.values():
for series_slug, cur_known_series in known_series.items():
if owned_series.title_slug == series_slug:
owned_series.followed = cur_known_series.followed
if not owned_series.followed \
or owned_series.is_detailed is True:
series_details = self.jnclient.get_series_info(owned_series.title_slug)
series_id = series_details['id']
self.owned_series[series_id].title = series_details['title']
self.owned_series[series_id].tags = series_details['tags']
self.owned_series[series_id].is_detailed = True
self.owned_series[series_id].volumes = {}
for raw_book in series_details['volumes']:
book = JNCUtils.build_jnc_book_from_api_response(raw_book)
self.owned_series[series_id].volumes[book.book_id] = book
def get_orderable_books(self) -> List[JNCBook]:
orderable_books = []
"""Check for new volumes in followed series"""
for series in self.owned_series.values():
if series.followed is False or series.is_detailed is False:
for book_id in series.volumes:
if book_id not in self.owned_books:
return orderable_books
def get_preorders(self) -> List[JNCBook]:
preorders = []
for book in self.owned_books.values():
if book.release_date > self.cur_time:
return preorders
def download_new_books(self) -> None:
print('\nDownloading new books:')
preorders = self.get_preorders()
for book in self.owned_books.values():
if book.book_id in self.downloaded_book_ids:
self.new_downloaded_books[book.book_id] = book.title
# Skip preorders
if any(book.book_id == preorder.book_id for preorder in preorders):
print(f'{book.title} \t{book.book_id} \t{book.release_date}')
def buy_credits(self, credits_to_buy) -> None:
print(f'\nAttempting to buy {credits_to_buy} credits.')
unit_price = self.jnclient.get_premium_credit_price()
if unit_price is None:
print('Inactive subscription, cannot buy credits')
print(f'Each premium credit will cost US${unit_price}')
while credits_to_buy > 0:
purchase_batch = 10 if credits_to_buy > 10 else credits_to_buy
price = purchase_batch * unit_price
if self.no_confirm_credits \
or JNCUtils.user_confirm(f'Do you want to buy {purchase_batch} premium credits for US${price}?'):
print(f'Successfully bought {purchase_batch} premium credits. ')
credits_to_buy -= purchase_batch
print(f'{credits_to_buy} premium credits left to buy.')
# abort when user does not confirm
def order_unowned_books(self, buy_individual_credits) -> None:
print('\nOrdering unowned volumes of followed series:')
new_books_ordered = False
for book in self.get_orderable_books():
print(f'Order book {book.title}')
if self.no_confirm_order or JNCUtils.user_confirm('Do you want to order?'):
if (self.jnclient.available_credits == 0) and buy_individual_credits:
if self.jnclient.available_credits == 0:
print('No premium credits left. Stop order process.')
f'Ordered {book.title}! Remaining credits: {self.jnclient.available_credits}\n'
new_books_ordered = True
if new_books_ordered:
# refresh data
def unfollow_complete_series(self) -> None:
owned_book_ids = self.owned_books.keys()
for series in self.owned_series.values():
if not series.followed or (series.is_detailed and 'fully translated' not in series.tags):
series_volume_ids = set([volume.book_id for volume in series.volumes.values()])
if series_volume_ids.issubset(owned_book_ids):
print(f'{series.title} is fully owned and completed. Series will not be followed anymore.')
series.followed = False
def write_owned_series_file(self) -> None:
follow_states = {}
for series in self.owned_series.values():
if series.followed is None:
follow_states[series.title_slug] = series.followed
with open(self.owned_series_file, mode='w', newline='') as f:
series_csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t')
def write_downloaded_books_file(self) -> None:
with open(self.downloaded_books_list_file, mode='w', newline='') as f:
csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t')
def print_new_volumes(self) -> None:
orderable_books = self.get_orderable_books()
if len(orderable_books) > 0:
print('\nThe following new books of series you follow can be ordered:')
for book in orderable_books:
def print_preorders(self) -> None:
preorders = self.get_preorders()
if len(preorders):
print('\nCurrent preorders (Release Date / Title):')
for book in preorders:
print(f'{book.release_date} {book.title}')
def __ensure_files_exist(self) -> None:
if not os.path.isfile(self.owned_series_file):
open(self.owned_series_file, 'a').close()
if not os.path.isfile(self.downloaded_books_list_file):
open(self.downloaded_books_list_file, 'a').close()
class JNCUtils:
def user_confirm(message: str) -> bool:
answer = input(message + ' (y/n)')
return True if answer == 'y' else False
def sort_books(books: Dict[str, JNCBook]) -> Dict[str, JNCBook]:
"""Sorts List of JNCBooks by their series slug and volume number and returns result"""
sorted_book_ids = sorted(
key=lambda k: (books[k].series_slug or books[k].title_slug, books[k].volume_num)
return {book_id: books[book_id] for book_id in sorted_book_ids}
def build_jnc_book_from_api_response(raw_book_response: dict) -> JNCBook:
return JNCBook(
raw_book_response['publishingDate'], # Format: 2020-07-12T05:00:00.000Z
raw_book_response.get('serie', {}).get('titleslug', None)
class JNCApiError(Exception):
class NoCreditsError(Exception):
class ArgumentError(Exception):