
264 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-02-16 09:13:02 -06:00
* arch/arm64/boot/dts/tegra210-platforms/tegra210-bthrot-cdev.dtsi
* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
bthrot_cdev {
compatible = "nvidia,tegra-balanced-throttle";
clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA210_CLK_CCLK_G>,
clock-names = "cclk_g", "gpu", "cap.throttle.c2bus",
"cap.throttle.c3bus", "cap.throttle.sclk",
skin_balanced {
cdev-type = "skin-balanced";
num_states = <66>;
cooling-min-state = <0>;
cooling-max-state = <66>;
#cooling-cells = <2>;
status = "disabled";
throttle_table = <
1455500 871600 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1436092 859295 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1416685 846991 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1397277 834686 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1377869 822382 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1358462 810077 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1339054 797772 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1319646 785468 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1300238 773163 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1280831 760858 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1261423 748554 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1242015 736249 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1222608 723945 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1203200 711640 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1183792 699335 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1164385 687031 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1144977 674726 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1125569 662422 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1106162 650117 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1086754 637812 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1067346 625508 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1047938 613203 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1028531 600898 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1009123 588594 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
989715 576289 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
970308 563985 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
950900 551680 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
931492 539375 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
912085 527071 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
892677 514766 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
873269 502462 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
853862 490157 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
834454 477852 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
815046 465548 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
795638 453243 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
776231 440938 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
756823 428634 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
737415 416329 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
718008 404025 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
698600 391720 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
679192 379415 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
659785 367111 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
640377 354806 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
620969 342502 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
601562 330197 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
582154 317892 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
562746 305588 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
543338 293283 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
523931 280978 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
504523 268674 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
485115 256369 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
465708 244065 480000 435200 384000 4294967295
446300 231760 480000 435200 384000 4294967295
426892 219455 480000 435200 384000 4294967295
407485 207151 480000 435200 384000 4294967295
388077 194846 480000 435200 384000 4294967295
368669 182542 480000 435200 384000 4294967295
349262 170237 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
329854 157932 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
310446 145628 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
291038 133323 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
271631 121018 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
252223 108714 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
232815 96409 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
213408 84105 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
194000 71800 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
gpu_balanced {
cdev-type = "gpu-balanced";
num_states = <66>;
cooling-min-state = <0>;
cooling-max-state = <66>;
#cooling-cells = <2>;
status = "disabled";
throttle_table = <
1455500 846600 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1436092 831408 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1416685 816216 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1397277 801024 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1377869 785831 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1358462 770639 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1339054 755447 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1319646 740255 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1300238 725063 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1280831 709871 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1261423 694678 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1242015 679486 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1222608 664294 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1203200 649102 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1183792 633910 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1164385 618718 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1144977 603525 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1125569 588333 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1106162 573141 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1086754 557949 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1067346 542757 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1047938 527565 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1028531 512373 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1009123 497180 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
989715 481988 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
970308 466796 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
950900 451604 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
931492 436412 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
912085 421220 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
892677 406027 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
873269 390835 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
853862 375643 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
834454 360451 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
815046 345259 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
795638 330067 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
776231 314875 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
756823 299682 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
737415 284490 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
718008 269298 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
698600 254106 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
679192 238914 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
659785 223722 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
640377 208529 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
620969 193337 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
601562 178145 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
582154 162953 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
562746 147761 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
543338 132569 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
523931 117376 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
504523 102184 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
485115 86992 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
465708 61800 480000 435200 384000 4294967295
cpu_balanced {
cdev-type = "cpu-balanced";
num_states = <66>;
cooling-min-state = <0>;
cooling-max-state = <66>;
#cooling-cells = <2>;
status = "disabled";
throttle_table = <
1455500 4294967295 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1436092 4294967295 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1416685 4294967295 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1397277 4294967295 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1377869 4294967295 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1358462 4294967295 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1339054 4294967295 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1319646 4294967295 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1300238 4294967295 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1280831 4294967295 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1261423 921600 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1242015 906149 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1222608 890698 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1203200 875247 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1183792 859796 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1164385 844345 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1144977 828895 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1125569 813444 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1106162 797993 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1086754 782542 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1067346 767091 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1047938 751640 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1028531 736189 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
1009123 720738 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
989715 705287 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
970308 689836 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
950900 674385 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
931492 658935 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
912085 643484 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
892677 628033 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
873269 612582 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
853862 597131 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
834454 581680 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
815046 566229 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
795638 550778 480000 512000 384000 4294967295
776231 535327 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
756823 519876 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
737415 504425 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
718008 488975 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
698600 473524 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
679192 458073 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
659785 442622 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
640377 427171 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
620969 411720 480000 486400 384000 4294967295
601562 396269 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
582154 380818 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
562746 365367 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
543338 349916 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
523931 334465 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
504523 319015 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
485115 303564 480000 473600 384000 4294967295
465708 288113 480000 435200 384000 4294967295
446300 272662 480000 435200 384000 4294967295
426892 257211 480000 435200 384000 4294967295
407485 241760 480000 435200 384000 4294967295
388077 226309 480000 435200 384000 4294967295
368669 210858 480000 435200 384000 4294967295
349262 195407 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
329854 179956 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
310446 164505 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
291038 149055 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
271631 133604 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
252223 118153 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
232815 102702 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
213408 87251 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
194000 71800 480000 396800 384000 4294967295
emergency_balanced {
cdev-type = "emergency-balanced";
num_states = <1>;
cooling-min-state = <0>;
cooling-max-state = <1>;
#cooling-cells = <2>;
status = "disabled";
throttle_table = <
1122000 391000 288000 420000 252000 396000