/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* * pluma-source-style-manager.c * * Copyright (C) 2007 - Paolo Borelli and Paolo Maggi * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* * Modified by the pluma Team, 2007. See the AUTHORS file for a * list of people on the pluma Team. * See the ChangeLog files for a list of changes. * * $Id$ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0) #include #endif #include "pluma-style-scheme-manager.h" #include "pluma-prefs-manager.h" #include "pluma-dirs.h" static GtkSourceStyleSchemeManager *style_scheme_manager = NULL; static gchar * get_pluma_styles_path (void) { gchar *config_dir; gchar *dir = NULL; config_dir = pluma_dirs_get_user_config_dir (); if (config_dir != NULL) { dir = g_build_filename (config_dir, "styles", NULL); g_free (config_dir); } return dir; } static void add_pluma_styles_path (GtkSourceStyleSchemeManager *mgr) { gchar *dir; dir = get_pluma_styles_path(); if (dir != NULL) { gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_append_search_path (mgr, dir); g_free (dir); } } GtkSourceStyleSchemeManager * pluma_get_style_scheme_manager (void) { if (style_scheme_manager == NULL) { style_scheme_manager = gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_new (); add_pluma_styles_path (style_scheme_manager); } return style_scheme_manager; } static gint schemes_compare (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { GtkSourceStyleScheme *scheme_a = (GtkSourceStyleScheme *)a; GtkSourceStyleScheme *scheme_b = (GtkSourceStyleScheme *)b; const gchar *name_a = gtk_source_style_scheme_get_name (scheme_a); const gchar *name_b = gtk_source_style_scheme_get_name (scheme_b); return g_utf8_collate (name_a, name_b); } GSList * pluma_style_scheme_manager_list_schemes_sorted (GtkSourceStyleSchemeManager *manager) { const gchar * const * scheme_ids; GSList *schemes = NULL; #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0) g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_SOURCE_IS_STYLE_SCHEME_MANAGER (manager), NULL); #else g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_SOURCE_STYLE_SCHEME_MANAGER (manager), NULL); #endif scheme_ids = gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_get_scheme_ids (manager); while (*scheme_ids != NULL) { GtkSourceStyleScheme *scheme; scheme = gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_get_scheme (manager, *scheme_ids); schemes = g_slist_prepend (schemes, scheme); ++scheme_ids; } if (schemes != NULL) schemes = g_slist_sort (schemes, (GCompareFunc)schemes_compare); return schemes; } gboolean _pluma_style_scheme_manager_scheme_is_pluma_user_scheme (GtkSourceStyleSchemeManager *manager, const gchar *scheme_id) { GtkSourceStyleScheme *scheme; const gchar *filename; gchar *dir; gboolean res = FALSE; scheme = gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_get_scheme (manager, scheme_id); if (scheme == NULL) return FALSE; filename = gtk_source_style_scheme_get_filename (scheme); if (filename == NULL) return FALSE; dir = get_pluma_styles_path (); res = g_str_has_prefix (filename, dir); g_free (dir); return res; } /** * file_copy: * @name: a pointer to a %NULL-terminated string, that names * the file to be copied, in the GLib file name encoding * @dest_name: a pointer to a %NULL-terminated string, that is the * name for the destination file, in the GLib file name encoding * @error: return location for a #GError, or %NULL * * Copies file @name to @dest_name. * * If the call was successful, it returns %TRUE. If the call was not * successful, it returns %FALSE and sets @error. The error domain * is #G_FILE_ERROR. Possible error * codes are those in the #GFileError enumeration. * * Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise. */ static gboolean file_copy (const gchar *name, const gchar *dest_name, GError **error) { gchar *contents; gsize length; gchar *dest_dir; /* FIXME - Paolo (Aug. 13, 2007): * Since the style scheme files are relatively small, we can implement * file copy getting all the content of the source file in a buffer and * then write the content to the destination file. In this way we * can use the g_file_get_contents and g_file_set_contents and avoid to * write custom code to copy the file (with sane error management). * If needed we can improve this code later. */ g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (dest_name != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE); /* Note: we allow to copy a file to itself since this is not a problem * in our use case */ /* Ensure the destination directory exists */ dest_dir = g_path_get_dirname (dest_name); errno = 0; if (g_mkdir_with_parents (dest_dir, 0755) != 0) { gint save_errno = errno; gchar *display_filename = g_filename_display_name (dest_dir); g_set_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, g_file_error_from_errno (save_errno), _("Directory '%s' could not be created: g_mkdir_with_parents() failed: %s"), display_filename, g_strerror (save_errno)); g_free (dest_dir); g_free (display_filename); return FALSE; } g_free (dest_dir); if (!g_file_get_contents (name, &contents, &length, error)) return FALSE; if (!g_file_set_contents (dest_name, contents, length, error)) return FALSE; g_free (contents); return TRUE; } /** * _pluma_style_scheme_manager_install_scheme: * @manager: a #GtkSourceStyleSchemeManager * @fname: the file name of the style scheme to be installed * * Install a new user scheme. * This function copies @fname in #PLUMA_STYLES_DIR and ask the style manager to * recompute the list of available style schemes. It then checks if a style * scheme with the right file name exists. * * If the call was succesful, it returns the id of the installed scheme * otherwise %NULL. * * Return value: the id of the installed scheme, %NULL otherwise. */ const gchar * _pluma_style_scheme_manager_install_scheme (GtkSourceStyleSchemeManager *manager, const gchar *fname) { gchar *new_file_name = NULL; gchar *dirname; gchar *styles_dir; GError *error = NULL; gboolean copied = FALSE; const gchar* const *ids; #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0) g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_SOURCE_IS_STYLE_SCHEME_MANAGER (manager), NULL); #else g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_SOURCE_STYLE_SCHEME_MANAGER (manager), NULL); #endif g_return_val_if_fail (fname != NULL, NULL); dirname = g_path_get_dirname (fname); styles_dir = get_pluma_styles_path(); if (strcmp (dirname, styles_dir) != 0) { gchar *basename; basename = g_path_get_basename (fname); new_file_name = g_build_filename (styles_dir, basename, NULL); g_free (basename); /* Copy the style scheme file into PLUMA_STYLES_DIR */ if (!file_copy (fname, new_file_name, &error)) { g_free (new_file_name); g_message ("Cannot install style scheme:\n%s", error->message); return NULL; } copied = TRUE; } else { new_file_name = g_strdup (fname); } g_free (dirname); g_free (styles_dir); /* Reload the available style schemes */ gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_force_rescan (manager); /* Check the new style scheme has been actually installed */ ids = gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_get_scheme_ids (manager); while (*ids != NULL) { GtkSourceStyleScheme *scheme; const gchar *filename; scheme = gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_get_scheme ( pluma_get_style_scheme_manager (), *ids); filename = gtk_source_style_scheme_get_filename (scheme); if (filename && (strcmp (filename, new_file_name) == 0)) { /* The style scheme has been correctly installed */ g_free (new_file_name); return gtk_source_style_scheme_get_id (scheme); } ++ids; } /* The style scheme has not been correctly installed */ if (copied) g_unlink (new_file_name); g_free (new_file_name); return NULL; } /** * _pluma_style_scheme_manager_uninstall_scheme: * @manager: a #GtkSourceStyleSchemeManager * @id: the id of the style scheme to be uninstalled * * Uninstall a user scheme. * * If the call was succesful, it returns %TRUE * otherwise %FALSE. * * Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise. */ gboolean _pluma_style_scheme_manager_uninstall_scheme (GtkSourceStyleSchemeManager *manager, const gchar *id) { GtkSourceStyleScheme *scheme; const gchar *filename; #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0) g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_SOURCE_IS_STYLE_SCHEME_MANAGER (manager), FALSE); #else g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_SOURCE_STYLE_SCHEME_MANAGER (manager), FALSE); #endif g_return_val_if_fail (id != NULL, FALSE); scheme = gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_get_scheme (manager, id); if (scheme == NULL) return FALSE; filename = gtk_source_style_scheme_get_filename (scheme); if (filename == NULL) return FALSE; if (g_unlink (filename) == -1) return FALSE; /* Reload the available style schemes */ gtk_source_style_scheme_manager_force_rescan (manager); return TRUE; }