/* * xed-file-browser-plugin.c - Xed plugin providing easy file access * from the sidepanel * * Copyright (C) 2006 - Jesse van den Kieboom * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xed-file-browser-enum-types.h" #include "xed-file-browser-plugin.h" #include "xed-file-browser-utils.h" #include "xed-file-browser-error.h" #include "xed-file-browser-widget.h" #include "xed-file-browser-messages.h" #define FILE_BROWSER_SCHEMA "org.x.editor.plugins.filebrowser" #define FILE_BROWSER_ONLOAD_SCHEMA "org.x.editor.plugins.filebrowser.on-load" #define XED_FILE_BROWSER_PLUGIN_GET_PRIVATE(object) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((object), XED_TYPE_FILE_BROWSER_PLUGIN, XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate)) struct _XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate { XedWindow *window; XedFileBrowserWidget *tree_widget; gulong merge_id; GtkActionGroup *action_group; GtkActionGroup *single_selection_action_group; gboolean auto_root; gulong end_loading_handle; GSettings *settings; GSettings *onload_settings; }; enum { PROP_0, PROP_WINDOW }; static void on_location_activated_cb (XedFileBrowserWidget *widget, GFile *location, XedWindow *window); static void on_error_cb (XedFileBrowserWidget *widget, guint code, gchar const *message, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin); static void on_model_set_cb (XedFileBrowserView *widget, GParamSpec *arg1, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin); static void on_virtual_root_changed_cb (XedFileBrowserStore *model, GParamSpec *param, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin); static void on_filter_mode_changed_cb (XedFileBrowserStore *model, GParamSpec *param, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin); static void on_rename_cb (XedFileBrowserStore *model, GFile *oldfile, GFile *newfile, XedWindow *window); static void on_filter_pattern_changed_cb (XedFileBrowserWidget *widget, GParamSpec *param, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin); static void on_tab_added_cb (XedWindow *window, XedTab *tab, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin); static gboolean on_confirm_delete_cb (XedFileBrowserWidget *widget, XedFileBrowserStore *store, GList *rows, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin); static gboolean on_confirm_no_trash_cb (XedFileBrowserWidget *widget, GList *files, XedWindow *window); static void xed_window_activatable_iface_init (XedWindowActivatableInterface *iface); G_DEFINE_DYNAMIC_TYPE_EXTENDED (XedFileBrowserPlugin, xed_file_browser_plugin, PEAS_TYPE_EXTENSION_BASE, 0, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE_DYNAMIC (XED_TYPE_WINDOW_ACTIVATABLE, xed_window_activatable_iface_init) \ \ xed_file_browser_enum_and_flag_register_type (type_module); \ _xed_file_browser_store_register_type (type_module); \ _xed_file_bookmarks_store_register_type (type_module); \ _xed_file_browser_view_register_type (type_module); \ _xed_file_browser_widget_register_type (type_module); ) static void xed_file_browser_plugin_init (XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { plugin->priv = XED_FILE_BROWSER_PLUGIN_GET_PRIVATE (plugin); } static void xed_file_browser_plugin_dispose (GObject *object) { XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin = XED_FILE_BROWSER_PLUGIN (object); g_clear_object (&plugin->priv->window); G_OBJECT_CLASS (xed_file_browser_plugin_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void xed_file_browser_plugin_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin = XED_FILE_BROWSER_PLUGIN (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_WINDOW: plugin->priv->window = XED_WINDOW (g_value_dup_object (value)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void xed_file_browser_plugin_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin = XED_FILE_BROWSER_PLUGIN (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_WINDOW: g_value_set_object (value, plugin->priv->window); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void on_end_loading_cb (XedFileBrowserStore *store, GtkTreeIter *iter, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; /* Disconnect the signal */ g_signal_handler_disconnect (store, priv->end_loading_handle); priv->end_loading_handle = 0; priv->auto_root = FALSE; } static void prepare_auto_root (XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; XedFileBrowserStore *store; priv->auto_root = TRUE; store = xed_file_browser_widget_get_browser_store (priv->tree_widget); if (priv->end_loading_handle != 0) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (store, priv->end_loading_handle); priv->end_loading_handle = 0; } priv->end_loading_handle = g_signal_connect (store, "end-loading", G_CALLBACK (on_end_loading_cb), plugin); } static void restore_default_location (XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; gchar *root; gchar *virtual_root; gboolean bookmarks; gboolean remote; bookmarks = !g_settings_get_boolean (priv->onload_settings, "tree-view"); if (bookmarks) { xed_file_browser_widget_show_bookmarks (priv->tree_widget); return; } root = g_settings_get_string (priv->onload_settings, "root"); virtual_root = g_settings_get_string (priv->onload_settings, "virtual-root"); remote = g_settings_get_boolean (priv->onload_settings, "enable-remote"); if (root != NULL && *root != '\0') { GFile *rootfile; GFile *vrootfile; rootfile = g_file_new_for_uri (root); vrootfile = g_file_new_for_uri (virtual_root); if (remote || g_file_is_native (rootfile)) { if (virtual_root != NULL && *virtual_root != '\0') { prepare_auto_root (plugin); xed_file_browser_widget_set_root_and_virtual_root (priv->tree_widget, rootfile, vrootfile); } else { prepare_auto_root (plugin); xed_file_browser_widget_set_root (priv->tree_widget, rootfile, TRUE); } } g_object_unref (rootfile); g_object_unref (vrootfile); } g_free (root); g_free (virtual_root); } static void restore_filter (XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; gchar *filter_mode; XedFileBrowserStoreFilterMode mode; gchar *pattern; /* Get filter_mode */ filter_mode = g_settings_get_string (priv->settings, "filter-mode"); /* Filter mode */ mode = xed_file_browser_store_filter_mode_get_default (); if (filter_mode != NULL) { if (strcmp (filter_mode, "hidden") == 0) { mode = XED_FILE_BROWSER_STORE_FILTER_MODE_HIDE_HIDDEN; } else if (strcmp (filter_mode, "binary") == 0) { mode = XED_FILE_BROWSER_STORE_FILTER_MODE_HIDE_BINARY; } else if (strcmp (filter_mode, "hidden_and_binary") == 0 || strcmp (filter_mode, "binary_and_hidden") == 0) { mode = XED_FILE_BROWSER_STORE_FILTER_MODE_HIDE_HIDDEN | XED_FILE_BROWSER_STORE_FILTER_MODE_HIDE_BINARY; } else if (strcmp (filter_mode, "none") == 0 || *filter_mode == '\0') { mode = XED_FILE_BROWSER_STORE_FILTER_MODE_NONE; } } /* Set the filter mode */ xed_file_browser_store_set_filter_mode (xed_file_browser_widget_get_browser_store (priv->tree_widget), mode); pattern = g_settings_get_string (priv->settings, "filter-pattern"); xed_file_browser_widget_set_filter_pattern (priv->tree_widget, pattern); g_free (filter_mode); g_free (pattern); } static void set_root_from_doc (XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin, XedDocument *doc) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; GtkSourceFile *file; GFile *location; GFile *parent; if (doc == NULL) { return; } file = xed_document_get_file (doc); location = gtk_source_file_get_location (file); if (location == NULL) { return; } parent = g_file_get_parent (location); if (parent != NULL) { xed_file_browser_widget_set_root (priv->tree_widget, parent, TRUE); g_object_unref (parent); } } static void on_action_set_active_root (GtkAction *action, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { set_root_from_doc (plugin, xed_window_get_active_document (XED_WINDOW (plugin->priv->window))); } static gchar * get_terminal (XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { // TODO : Identify the DE, find the preferred terminal application (xterminal shouldn't be hardcoded here, it should be set as default in the DE prefs) return g_strdup ("xterminal"); } static void on_action_open_terminal (GtkAction *action, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; GFile *file; GtkTreeIter iter; XedFileBrowserStore *store; /* Get the current directory */ if (!xed_file_browser_widget_get_selected_directory (priv->tree_widget, &iter)) { return; } store = xed_file_browser_widget_get_browser_store (priv->tree_widget); gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter, XED_FILE_BROWSER_STORE_COLUMN_LOCATION, &file, -1); if (file) { gchar *terminal; gchar *local; gchar *argv[2]; terminal = get_terminal (plugin); local = g_file_get_path (file); argv[0] = terminal; argv[1] = NULL; g_spawn_async (local, argv, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_free (terminal); g_free (local); g_object_unref (file); } } static void on_selection_changed_cb (GtkTreeSelection *selection, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; GtkTreeView *tree_view; GtkTreeModel *model; GtkTreeIter iter; gboolean sensitive; tree_view = GTK_TREE_VIEW (xed_file_browser_widget_get_browser_view (priv->tree_widget)); model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (tree_view); if (!XED_IS_FILE_BROWSER_STORE (model)) { return; } sensitive = xed_file_browser_widget_get_selected_directory (priv->tree_widget, &iter); if (sensitive) { GFile *location; gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, XED_FILE_BROWSER_STORE_COLUMN_LOCATION, &location, -1); if (location) { sensitive = g_file_has_uri_scheme (location, "file"); g_object_unref (location); } else { sensitive = FALSE; } } gtk_action_set_sensitive (gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->single_selection_action_group, "OpenTerminal"), sensitive); } #define POPUP_UI "" \ "" \ " " \ " " \ " " \ " " \ " " \ " " \ " " \ " " \ " " \ " " \ " " \ " " \ " " \ "" static GtkActionEntry extra_actions[] = { {"SetActiveRoot", "go-jump-symbolic", N_("_Set root to active document"), NULL, N_("Set the root to the active document location"), G_CALLBACK (on_action_set_active_root)} }; static GtkActionEntry extra_single_selection_actions[] = { {"OpenTerminal", "utilities-terminal", N_("_Open terminal here"), NULL, N_("Open a terminal at the currently opened directory"), G_CALLBACK (on_action_open_terminal)} }; static void add_popup_ui (XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; GtkUIManager * manager; GtkActionGroup * action_group; GError * error = NULL; manager = xed_file_browser_widget_get_ui_manager (priv->tree_widget); action_group = gtk_action_group_new ("FileBrowserPluginExtra"); gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain (action_group, NULL); gtk_action_group_add_actions (action_group, extra_actions, G_N_ELEMENTS (extra_actions), plugin); gtk_ui_manager_insert_action_group (manager, action_group, 0); priv->action_group = action_group; action_group = gtk_action_group_new ("FileBrowserPluginSingleSelectionExtra"); gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain (action_group, NULL); gtk_action_group_add_actions (action_group, extra_single_selection_actions, G_N_ELEMENTS (extra_single_selection_actions), plugin); gtk_ui_manager_insert_action_group (manager, action_group, 0); priv->single_selection_action_group = action_group; priv->merge_id = gtk_ui_manager_add_ui_from_string (manager, POPUP_UI, -1, &error); if (priv->merge_id == 0) { g_warning("Unable to merge UI: %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); } } static void remove_popup_ui (XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; GtkUIManager * manager; manager = xed_file_browser_widget_get_ui_manager (priv->tree_widget); gtk_ui_manager_remove_ui (manager, priv->merge_id); gtk_ui_manager_remove_action_group (manager, priv->action_group); g_object_unref (priv->action_group); gtk_ui_manager_remove_action_group (manager, priv->single_selection_action_group); g_object_unref (priv->single_selection_action_group); } static void xed_file_browser_plugin_update_state (XedWindowActivatable *activatable) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = XED_FILE_BROWSER_PLUGIN (activatable)->priv; XedDocument * doc; doc = xed_window_get_active_document (XED_WINDOW (priv->window)); gtk_action_set_sensitive (gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->action_group, "SetActiveRoot"), doc != NULL && !xed_document_is_untitled (doc)); } static void xed_file_browser_plugin_activate (XedWindowActivatable *activatable) { XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin = XED_FILE_BROWSER_PLUGIN (activatable); XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv; XedPanel *panel; XedFileBrowserStore *store; gchar *data_dir; GSettingsSchemaSource *schema_source; GSettingsSchema *schema; priv = plugin->priv; data_dir = peas_extension_base_get_data_dir (PEAS_EXTENSION_BASE (activatable)); priv->tree_widget = XED_FILE_BROWSER_WIDGET (xed_file_browser_widget_new (data_dir)); g_free (data_dir); priv->settings = g_settings_new (FILE_BROWSER_SCHEMA); priv->onload_settings = g_settings_new (FILE_BROWSER_ONLOAD_SCHEMA); g_signal_connect (priv->tree_widget, "location-activated", G_CALLBACK (on_location_activated_cb), priv->window); g_signal_connect (priv->tree_widget, "error", G_CALLBACK (on_error_cb), plugin); g_signal_connect (priv->tree_widget, "notify::filter-pattern", G_CALLBACK (on_filter_pattern_changed_cb), plugin); g_signal_connect (priv->tree_widget, "confirm-delete", G_CALLBACK (on_confirm_delete_cb), plugin); g_signal_connect (priv->tree_widget, "confirm-no-trash", G_CALLBACK (on_confirm_no_trash_cb), priv->window); g_signal_connect (gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (xed_file_browser_widget_get_browser_view (priv->tree_widget))), "changed", G_CALLBACK (on_selection_changed_cb), plugin); panel = xed_window_get_side_panel (priv->window); xed_panel_add_item (panel, GTK_WIDGET (priv->tree_widget), _("File Browser"), "system-file-manager"); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (priv->tree_widget)); add_popup_ui (plugin); /* Restore filter options */ restore_filter (plugin); /* Connect signals to store the last visited location */ g_signal_connect (xed_file_browser_widget_get_browser_view (priv->tree_widget), "notify::model", G_CALLBACK (on_model_set_cb), plugin); store = xed_file_browser_widget_get_browser_store (priv->tree_widget); g_signal_connect (store, "notify::virtual-root", G_CALLBACK (on_virtual_root_changed_cb), plugin); g_signal_connect (store, "notify::filter-mode", G_CALLBACK (on_filter_mode_changed_cb), plugin); g_signal_connect (store, "rename", G_CALLBACK (on_rename_cb), priv->window); g_signal_connect (priv->window, "tab-added", G_CALLBACK (on_tab_added_cb), plugin); /* Register messages on the bus */ xed_file_browser_messages_register (priv->window, priv->tree_widget); xed_file_browser_plugin_update_state (activatable); } static void xed_file_browser_plugin_deactivate (XedWindowActivatable *activatable) { XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin = XED_FILE_BROWSER_PLUGIN (activatable); XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; XedPanel * panel; /* Unregister messages from the bus */ xed_file_browser_messages_unregister (priv->window); /* Disconnect signals */ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->window, G_CALLBACK (on_tab_added_cb), plugin); g_object_unref (priv->settings); g_object_unref (priv->onload_settings); remove_popup_ui (plugin); panel = xed_window_get_side_panel (priv->window); xed_panel_remove_item (panel, GTK_WIDGET (priv->tree_widget)); } static void xed_file_browser_plugin_class_init (XedFileBrowserPluginClass * klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->dispose = xed_file_browser_plugin_dispose; object_class->set_property = xed_file_browser_plugin_set_property; object_class->get_property = xed_file_browser_plugin_get_property; g_object_class_override_property (object_class, PROP_WINDOW, "window"); g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate)); } static void xed_window_activatable_iface_init (XedWindowActivatableInterface *iface) { iface->activate = xed_file_browser_plugin_activate; iface->deactivate = xed_file_browser_plugin_deactivate; iface->update_state = xed_file_browser_plugin_update_state; } static void xed_file_browser_plugin_class_finalize (XedFileBrowserPluginClass *klass) { /* dummy function - used by G_DEFINE_DYNAMIC_TYPE_EXTENDED */ } /* Callbacks */ static void on_location_activated_cb (XedFileBrowserWidget *tree_widget, GFile *location, XedWindow *window) { xed_commands_load_location (window, location, NULL, 0); } static void on_error_cb (XedFileBrowserWidget *tree_widget, guint code, gchar const *message, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; gchar * title; GtkWidget * dlg; /* Do not show the error when the root has been set automatically */ if (priv->auto_root && (code == XED_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_SET_ROOT || code == XED_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_LOAD_DIRECTORY)) { /* Show bookmarks */ xed_file_browser_widget_show_bookmarks (priv->tree_widget); return; } switch (code) { case XED_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_NEW_DIRECTORY: title = _("An error occurred while creating a new directory"); break; case XED_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_NEW_FILE: title = _("An error occurred while creating a new file"); break; case XED_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_RENAME: title = _("An error occurred while renaming a file or directory"); break; case XED_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_DELETE: title = _("An error occurred while deleting a file or directory"); break; case XED_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_OPEN_DIRECTORY: title = _("An error occurred while opening a directory in the file manager"); break; case XED_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_SET_ROOT: title = _("An error occurred while setting a root directory"); break; case XED_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_LOAD_DIRECTORY: title = _("An error occurred while loading a directory"); break; default: title = _("An error occurred"); break; } dlg = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (priv->window), GTK_DIALOG_MODAL | GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_OK, "%s", title); gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text (GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG (dlg), "%s", message); gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dlg)); gtk_widget_destroy (dlg); } static void on_model_set_cb (XedFileBrowserView *widget, GParamSpec *arg1, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; GtkTreeModel * model; model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (xed_file_browser_widget_get_browser_view (priv->tree_widget))); if (model == NULL) { return; } g_settings_set_boolean (priv->onload_settings, "tree-view", XED_IS_FILE_BROWSER_STORE (model)); } static void on_filter_mode_changed_cb (XedFileBrowserStore *model, GParamSpec *param, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; XedFileBrowserStoreFilterMode mode; mode = xed_file_browser_store_get_filter_mode (model); if ((mode & XED_FILE_BROWSER_STORE_FILTER_MODE_HIDE_HIDDEN) && (mode & XED_FILE_BROWSER_STORE_FILTER_MODE_HIDE_BINARY)) { g_settings_set_string (priv->settings, "filter-mode", "hidden_and_binary"); } else if (mode & XED_FILE_BROWSER_STORE_FILTER_MODE_HIDE_HIDDEN) { g_settings_set_string (priv->settings, "filter-mode", "hidden"); } else if (mode & XED_FILE_BROWSER_STORE_FILTER_MODE_HIDE_BINARY) { g_settings_set_string (priv->settings, "filter-mode", "binary"); }else { g_settings_set_string (priv->settings, "filter-mode", "none"); } } static void on_rename_cb (XedFileBrowserStore *store, GFile *oldfile, GFile *newfile, XedWindow *window) { GList *documents; GList *item; /* Find all documents and set its uri to newuri where it matches olduri */ documents = xed_app_get_documents (XED_APP (g_application_get_default ())); for (item = documents; item; item = item->next) { XedDocument *doc; GtkSourceFile *source_file; GFile *docfile; doc = XED_DOCUMENT (item->data); source_file = xed_document_get_file (doc); docfile = gtk_source_file_get_location (source_file); if (docfile == NULL) { continue; } if (g_file_equal (docfile, oldfile)) { gtk_source_file_set_location (source_file, newfile); } else { gchar *relative; relative = g_file_get_relative_path (oldfile, docfile); if (relative != NULL) { /* relative now contains the part in docfile without the prefix oldfile */ docfile = g_file_get_child (newfile, relative); gtk_source_file_set_location (source_file, docfile); g_object_unref (docfile); } g_free (relative); } } g_list_free (documents); } static void on_filter_pattern_changed_cb (XedFileBrowserWidget *widget, GParamSpec *param, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; gchar * pattern; g_object_get (G_OBJECT (widget), "filter-pattern", &pattern, NULL); if (pattern == NULL) { g_settings_set_string (priv->settings, "filter-pattern", ""); } else { g_settings_set_string (priv->settings, "filter-pattern", pattern); } g_free (pattern); } static void on_virtual_root_changed_cb (XedFileBrowserStore *store, GParamSpec *param, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; GFile *root; GFile *virtual_root; gchar *uri_root = NULL; root = xed_file_browser_store_get_root (store); if (!root) { return; } else { uri_root = g_file_get_uri (root); g_object_unref (root); } g_settings_set_string (priv->onload_settings, "root", uri_root); g_free (uri_root); virtual_root = xed_file_browser_store_get_virtual_root (store); if (!virtual_root) { /* Set virtual to same as root then */ g_settings_set_string (priv->onload_settings, "virtual-root", uri_root); } else { gchar *uri_vroot; uri_vroot = g_file_get_uri (virtual_root); g_settings_set_string (priv->onload_settings, "virtual-root", uri_vroot); g_free (uri_vroot); g_object_unref (virtual_root); } g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (XED_WINDOW (priv->window), G_CALLBACK (on_tab_added_cb), plugin); } static void on_tab_added_cb (XedWindow *window, XedTab *tab, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; gboolean open; gboolean load_default = TRUE; open = g_settings_get_boolean (priv->settings, "open-at-first-doc"); if (open) { XedDocument *doc; GtkSourceFile *file; GFile *location; doc = xed_tab_get_document (tab); file = xed_document_get_file (doc); location = gtk_source_file_get_location (file); if (location != NULL) { if (g_file_has_uri_scheme (location, "file")) { prepare_auto_root (plugin); set_root_from_doc (plugin, doc); load_default = FALSE; } } } if (load_default) { restore_default_location (plugin); } /* Disconnect this signal, it's only called once */ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (window, G_CALLBACK (on_tab_added_cb), plugin); } static gchar * get_filename_from_path (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreePath *path) { GtkTreeIter iter; GFile *location; gchar *ret = NULL; gtk_tree_model_get_iter (model, &iter, path); gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, XED_FILE_BROWSER_STORE_COLUMN_LOCATION, &location, -1); if (location) { ret = xed_file_browser_utils_file_basename (location); g_object_unref (location); } return ret; } static gboolean on_confirm_no_trash_cb (XedFileBrowserWidget *widget, GList *files, XedWindow *window) { gchar *normal; gchar *message; gchar *secondary; gboolean result; message = _("Cannot move file to trash, do you\nwant to delete permanently?"); if (files->next == NULL) { normal = xed_file_browser_utils_file_basename (G_FILE (files->data)); secondary = g_strdup_printf (_("The file \"%s\" cannot be moved to the trash."), normal); g_free (normal); } else { secondary = g_strdup (_("The selected files cannot be moved to the trash.")); } result = xed_file_browser_utils_confirmation_dialog (window, GTK_MESSAGE_QUESTION, message, secondary, _("_Delete")); g_free (secondary); return result; } static gboolean on_confirm_delete_cb (XedFileBrowserWidget *widget, XedFileBrowserStore *store, GList *paths, XedFileBrowserPlugin *plugin) { XedFileBrowserPluginPrivate *priv = plugin->priv; gchar *normal; gchar *message; gchar *secondary; gboolean result; if (paths->next == NULL) { normal = get_filename_from_path (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), (GtkTreePath *)(paths->data)); message = g_strdup_printf (_("Are you sure you want to permanently delete \"%s\"?"), normal); g_free (normal); } else { message = g_strdup (_("Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected files?")); } secondary = _("If you delete an item, it is permanently lost."); result = xed_file_browser_utils_confirmation_dialog (XED_WINDOW (priv->window), GTK_MESSAGE_QUESTION, message, secondary, _("_Delete")); g_free (message); return result; } G_MODULE_EXPORT void peas_register_types (PeasObjectModule *module) { xed_file_browser_plugin_register_type (G_TYPE_MODULE (module)); peas_object_module_register_extension_type (module, XED_TYPE_WINDOW_ACTIVATABLE, XED_TYPE_FILE_BROWSER_PLUGIN); } // ex:ts=8:noet: