
192 lines
6.7 KiB

Start bash files with
#!/usr/bin/env bash
Declare global variables at the beginning of the script. Include a short comment to add context to the variables.
# name of BUP file generated by Nvidia script
Create variables that can be overridden
# ORIG_DIR: starting directory where the script will drop the user on exit
Properly configured variables can be overridden at execution. For example
wp@host:~/$ ORIG_DIR="My override value" ./
Allow easy debugging early in the script. The following code block will enable easy debugging, which will print each line of code before it is executed
if [ ! -z ${DEV+x} ] && [ "$DEV" -eq "1" ]; then
# enable early debugging with `DEV=1`
set -x
PS4='+(${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}): ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'
set -eu
The script can be debugged by prefixing the script with the correct parameter assignment.
wp@host:~/$ DEV=1 ./
Group functions together under the following banner
#===== FUNCTIONS =====
Create a header for each function using the following template
#--- FUNCTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: __wget
# DESCRIPTION: Download if file doesn't exist.
# USAGE: __wget [outfile] [url]
# NOTES: if [outfile] exists, it will be tested to verify it is a regular file
__wget() {
# do stuff
For large, complex scripts, create a banner marking the start of execution, such as
#===== BEGIN =====
Use sub-banners if needed
#----- Command Line Args -----
Include a useful help
#--- FUNCTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME: __usage
# DESCRIPTION: Display program help
# USAGE: __usage
__usage() {
cat << EOT
Usage: ${__SCRIPTNAME} [options] [action]...
- dtb Build Devicetree binary files
- blob Build Mass Flash tool to flash Nano over USB
- bup Build Bootloader Update Package
- tpm Build the TPM kernel modules
- tpm-rng Build the TPM hardware random number generator module
- pkg Build the update package to distribute to Nano
- dev Enable development (debug) mode. Mainly, disables cleanup of
temporary files created during program execution
- all Same as ${__SCRIPTNAME} dtb bup tpm pkg blob
Does not build the optional tpm-rng module
- help Display usage
-h Display this help
-D Enable debugging mode
- ${__SCRIPTNAME} all
- ${__SCRIPTNAME} all dev
- ${__SCRIPTNAME} dtb tpm bup
Bash test. Returns True if test expression passes
if [ -z "${MAKE_TARGETS}" ]; then
# do stuff
Bash negative test. Returns True if test expression does not passes
if [ ! -z "${MAKE_TARGETS}" ]; then
# do stuff
Common bash test expressions and
The following test operators return "True" if the file exists
-a file :: Any file type
-e file :: Check for file existence, regardless of type (node, directory, socket, etc.)
-f file :: Any regular file that is not a directory
-b file :: Block special file
-c file :: Character file
-d file :: Directory type
-h file :: Symbolic link
-L file :: Symbolic link
-p file :: Named pipe file (FIFO)
-s file :: Socket file
The following operators test existing files for specific properties
-g file :: Any file AND set-group-id bit set
-k file :: Any file AND sticky bit set
-r file :: Any file AND file is readable
-w file :: Any file AND file is writable
-x file :: Any file AND executable bit is set
-s file :: Any file AND file size is greater than 0
Other common test operators
-v varname :: True if 'varname' is set and has been assigned a value
-R varname :: True if varname is set and is a name reference
-n string :: True if length of string is not zero
-z string :: True if length of string is zero
string1 == string2 :: True if the strings are equal
string1 = string2 :: True if the strings are equal. POSIX conformant
string1 != string2 :: True if the strings are not equal
string1 < string2 :: True if string1 sorts before string2
string1 > string2 :: True if string1 sorts after string2
Arthimetic test operators
arg1 -eq arg2 :: True if arg1 is equal to arg2
arg1 -ne arg2 :: True if arg1 is not equal to arg2
arg1 -lt arg2 :: True if arg1 is less than arg2
arg1 -le arg2 :: True if arg1 is less than or equal to arg2
arg1 -gt arg2 :: True if arg1 is greater than arg2
arg1 -ge arg2 :: True if arg1 is greater than or equal to arg2
Command substitution
Shell Arthimetic -
Brace expansions
mkdir /usr/local/src/bash/{old,new,dist,bugs}
chown root /usr/{ucb/{ex,edit},lib/{ex?.?*,how_ex}}
Parameter (variable) expansion - and
GNU BASH reference -
BASH Hackers Wiki -